Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020



Wissens- und Lernplattform

Der Erwerb von Wissen wird immer wichtiger.

Im Jahr 2020 hat fast jeder Mensch auf der Welt Zugang zum Internet. Dies macht es einfach, Online-Geschäfte aufzubauen, neue Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und sogar andere zu unterrichten. Es gibt bereits viele Mentoren und auch Plattformen, die beide zusammenbringen – Schüler und Lehrer. Worin besteht also der Unterschied zu clipX? Wir bieten eine Plattform, die es ermöglicht, Videos auf einfache Weise anzuschauen. Unabhängig davon, auf welchem Gerät, können Videos in Apps für TV, Tablett, Smartphone und Desktop angesehen werden. Außerdem können die Videos sowohl mit Kryptowährung oder auch mit Fiatgeld bezahlt werden, so dass Menschen, die keinen Zugang zu einem Bankkonto haben, neue Fähigkeiten erlernen können. In einer späteren Version werden wir die Plattform auch dezentral anbieten, dies wird die Einschränkungen und Vorschriften bestimmter Länder reduzieren und auch die Plattform demokratisieren.

clipX Token

Pre Sale: 58M Token

Hard Cap (Main Sale): 72M Token

Token verteiler: clipX GmbH (Germany)

Tokens Verteilung: 24 hours after claiming


Token Pre Sale 36,25%

Token Main Sale 45%

Team und Gründer 3,75%

Rücklagen 10%

Marketing and Bounty 5%


Produktentwicklung 22%

Geschäftsentwicklung 20%

Marketing 38%

Rechtliches und Regulierungen 12%

Mitarbeiter 8%

Pre Sale

July 15 - August 15


ICO Phase I

August 16 - August 24


ICO Phase II

August 25 - September 02



September 03 - September 15



2016 Q3

Idee wurde geboren


Planung und Testen

Planung der Plattform

Strategischer Planentwurf

Erstellung der Testumgebung



Entwicklung und Abklärung rechtlichen Aspekte mit unseren Anwälten

ICO Regulationsprüfung

2019 Q1

clipX Firma

Gründung der clipX GmbH

Schaffung von strategischen Partnerschaften

Rechtliche Abstimmungen mit unseren Anwälten

2019 Q2

ICO Entwicklung

ERC20 Token Smart Contract Entwicklung

ICO Website Design

ICO Investmentplattform Entwicklung

2019 Q1 - 2020 Q2


Rechtliche Klärung, durch

WINHELLER, um den Start

der ICO in die wege zu


2020 Q2

ICO Marketing

Artikel auf bekannten Kryptomagazinen

Bounty Kampagne

Airdrops und Herausforderungen

Herausforderungen auf sozialen Medien

2020 Q3

ICO Verkauf


Main Sale

2021 Q1


Entwicklung der clipX Plattform

Marketing der clipX Plattform

2021 Q3

Plattform Veröffentlichung

Finale Veröffentlichung der clipX Plattform

Expansion und Vergrößerung

Executive team

Toni Ora - CEO

Jacob Riege - Technical Engineer

Rasel Mahmud - UI/UX Developer

Sakil Mahmud Molla - Web Developer


Nishant Chadha - Community Management

Tobi Obembe - Community Management

Philips Shah - Digital Marketing Manager

SR Mehedi - Digital & Affiliate Marketing


Anthony Lange - Technical & Blockchain Advisor

Maurice Sobiera - Technical Advisor



News & Media

Candela Coin

Candela Coin


All across the world the new energy consumer wants comfort, security, a more engaging relationship, and a promising future for energy production. A democratized energy marketplace is the only way to achieve this promise, and the Candela Coin team has developed a key piece of this paradigm shift. With Candela Coin, we are reimagining the customer’s role in, and access to, increasingly open and competitive solar electricity markets. The energy market is currently facing challenges with its centralized conventional power stations and grid that require high costs to maintain. This means higher costs for the consumer. The existing electricity and power model will not be able to keep up with the increasing electricity demand with its centralized grid and infrastructure. Costs will rise dramatically. Consumption is expected to more than double by 2050. A paradigm shift is necessary. A shift to decentralized solar powered microgrids made up of people is what we are building. We want communities to create their own decentralized solar energy. 

Blockchain technology can benefit and accelerate the shift to solar energy. It fits perfectly into the renewable energy sector because it allows direct peer-to-peer transactions between users, and offers transparency and local energy self-sustainability. This project aims to create truly decentralized solar energy across the globe made up of we the people, instead of the power companies or middlemen. This will allow peer to peer production and transfer of solar energy. Utilizing blockchain technology allows us to create seamless production and peer to peer transfer of solar energy. We share many things with those in our community. There is constant exchange and interaction with those around us. The one thing we haven't been able to share is the very thing needed to make any of it happen: Energy

This will reduce disruptions caused by incidents hundreds of miles away such as hurricanes and leave you unaffected. While the rest of the city may lose power, your family and community will be okay. Energy decentralization and democratization has come. Embrace it. In this paper, we link the technical value domains to the services that consumers, prosumers and third parties can provide to one another and to the electric power system


Ditch the grid with Candela Coin! Candela Coin is a token that allows holders to take part in the groundfloor phase of decentralized solar energy and a blockchain based peer-to-peer energy transfer platform. People across the globe will be able to transfer solar energy to others in their communities using candela coin as a medium of exchange. Blockchainbased peer-to-peer transfer allows users to buy, sell, or store solar power allowing energy to be more accessible and sustainable for the world. Our vision is to decentralize and democratize the consumption, transfer, and production of solar energy. With Candela coin, we remove the need for large monopolies and power companies that control the price and supply of the power we rely on, putting the power back in the hands of we the people. 

The age of transactive energy in the sharing economy is upon us, and its wide spread adoption depends on a secure and robust means for rewarding participation. Digitization is coming to the energy industry as many key network, sensor, computing and communication technologies make it possible to drive decentralization of the electric grid and energy market. Tokenization will play a vital role in securely exchanging grid edge data between users and devices, safely opening up the electric power market to broad participation. Peer-to-peer exchange of energy is upon us!


The energy market is currently facing challenges with its centralized conventional power stations and grid that require high costs to maintain. This means higher costs for the consumer. The existing electricity and power model will not be able to keep up with the increasing electricity demand with its centralized grid infrastructure. Costs will rise dramatically. Consumption is expected to more than double by 2050. Many problems we face also include power company monopolies and duopolies, poor service or non functional service during times of crisis, inclement weather, or in developing areas. There are also the issues that stem from government regulations. With the power companies if you don't pay for monthly service your power is shut off. With candela you use what you buy. It's like going to the grocery store. Get power without a power company. 

If a prosumer wants to sell their excess solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution woud allow them to get more money for their excess solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the consumer. Our economies run on energy, but the current energy system is costly and inefficient. Creating useful energy is one of the dirtiest and most wasteful things we do, from mining, refining and burning fuel, to transporting electricity across long transmission and distribution lines. In the US, some estimates show an 86 percent inefficiency in converting and transporting energy into the useful product that powers modern lifestyles and economic productivity. This creates unintended and costly health and environmental challenges, from asthma to climate change, and a significant loss of economic value. It turns out that the U.S. economy is not especially energy efficient. Of the total high-quaity energy consumed to support economic activity in 2010, only 14 percent was converted into useful work. In other words, the American economy wasted 86 percent of all the energy used that year in the production of goods and services. One can easily imagine that waste of this magnitude creates an array of costs that weakens the nation's economic and social well-being. This problem has emerged because in the current power sector business models, utilities use outdated constructs of its consumers as rate payers; missing the opportunity and value only a customer can provide. Companies earn revenue based on producing energy at the center of the utility grid, in large power plants, and pushing it to the grid edge where it “serves the load” as it is consumed. Companies generating and distributing power are accustomed to roughly 10 percent returns on their capital investment. This model locks in profitability for regulated electricity companies, but discourages innovation and saddles consumers with decades of legacy costs. 

In newly-electrifying countries, a centralized grid is too costly and sluggish for the needs of the one billion people without energy access today. As demand grows, it also becomes more distributed. It is harder and more costly to predict and balance supply and demand while lacking visibility into millions of new consumer devices and distributed energy resources popping up at the grid edge. These trends are tearing apart existing utility business models and spooking shareholders and analysts alike.


Get power without a power company. We propose that the answer to these mounting concerns is Candela, a blockchain based system that functions across connected hardware (IoT devices), a token system for transactive energy (Candela Coin), and a foundation that advances market design and technology in tandem.

We want communities across the world to create their own decentralized solar energy. Individuals in the community will own their solar panels and can sell their excess energy to others in the community. We envision that people with solar panels, small and large, will all be able to contribute electricity to the Candela system. If a user wants to sell their solar energy back to the grid, they are given cents on the dollar. Our solution would allow them to get more money for their solar energy as well as reduce the costs for the purchaser.

Candela uses an IoT metering device that runs blockchain technology, giving it capabilities not currently available in many energy markets. First, it shows solar panel owners how much energy they’re producing, rather than having them trust the local utility to calculate the amount. The blockchain also enables the direct transfer of energy between users and dramatically reduces the costs of such transactions. The community marketplace solution offers a compelling way for users in a community to buy and sell solar energy. Users can easily make an offer, create a budget, or even sell their own power on the marketplace. 

Candela can manage the flow of electricity and the exchange of energy within electric power systems through the formation and delivery of pricing signals, use of predictive analytics and automation of activities, which reflect true cost of local service. This can all happen behind the scenes, at the machine-to-machine level. The system unlocks value to be assembled in new ways and priced appropriately. Transactive energy, properly implemented, represents the fairest allocation of risk and reward enabling new business models that provide services to participants. By rewarding efficiency and flexibility, the system has the potential to activate value for customers and create new ways to manage and invest in the responsive grid of the future, which is beneficial in developed economies, and it can be transformative in newly electrifying ones. Candela can provide a wide range of benefits throughout the electricity market and ecosystem. In addition to clear value for market participants (described in detail further below), Key outcomes include:

Efficient and adaptive market pricing

Improved system reliability and flexibility

Pathway for technological innovation

Improved balance of risk and reward for asset owners

A rich, interactive future for an energy industry serving informed communities

Token info

Ticker: CLA

Platform: Ethereum

Token Type: ERC-20

Available for sale: 95,000,000 CLA (76%)

Total supply: 125,000,000 CLA

Token Distribution


TEAM 20%









Selasa, 04 Agustus 2020


What is Euclideum?
Euclideum is creating a sidechain of the Ethereum protocol, which will contribute to solve today’s problems which include scalability for transacting on the platform. Ethereum is a secure and decentralized network, but it is not cheap and efficient to use. Euclideum is here to solve the existing problems that dapp & blockchain users have in the space today. The expected processing capability of the Euclideum network is supposed to be twice as higher then the Ethereum network. For example, today’s gas fees are too high for the average user to adopt blockchain technology and decentralized applications in their daily life.

Euclideum is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) platform, where users can stake ECL tokens in order to become a validator node on the network. Staking of ECL will be available for the public in the start of 2021. Stakers will be able to earn 8% annually, by staking the native crypto assets on the protocol. Launching an own node requires a staked amount of 20 ECL, which is relatively cheap compared to staking on Ethereum 2.0 (32 ETH).

According to the project leaders, there are already developers working on growing the upcoming blockchain ecosystem. In their roadmap, it is stated that they expect that there will be 10+ applications running on the platform throughout 2021. These applications will be built by their team, along with funding of other project teams. There will also be a way for new projects to have their public crowdfunding through the Euclideum-network.

Rabu, 08 Juli 2020



inLarb Network
inLarb Network is an advertisement and event platform based on augmented reality. the platform offers indoor and outdoor advertisement to businesses, immersive experience and indoor events to event organizers and immersive shopping experience to retailers. Larb token as the native currency of the platform will fuel activities such as advertisement space, virtual rentals, portal deployment, advertisement campaign, indoor events and also used to reward community members for active participation. inLarb Network is built for advertisers, retailers, artist, event organizers, developers and community members. The platform adopts the community driven philosophy which means that, community members contributes to the growth of the platform and in return are rewarded for active event participation and advertisement consumption.

The platform is out to solve some issues affecting the advertisement, event, art and retail industry. by introducing immersive experience to different industry, inLarb will help businesses creates an interactive relationship between their customers and their product. instead of consumers consuming advertising content, inLarb will make users a part of the advertising process through immersive technology. Users will be able to interact with the advertisement which creates an emotion relationship.

The platform will allow event organizers to curate indoor events and also offer virtual space for outdoor event which includes; virtual 3D stand, virtual space for showcasing of large product such as cars and real estate properties and others.

inLarb Network is an advertisement and event platform based on augmented reality. the platform offers indoor and outdoor advertisement to businesses, immersive experience and indoor events to event organizers and immersive shopping experience to retailers.

Larb token as the native currency of the platform will fuel activities such as advertisement space, virtual rentals, portal deployment, advertisement campaign, indoor events and also used to reward community members for active participation.

Larb’s Tokens
To facilitate transactions on the network, the platform will be issuing its own native digital currency called Larb (LARB). LARB is a utility token that will act as means of payment for advertisement space, event curation, community rewards, and other services on the platform.

LARB will become the main digital currency of the platform that fuels transactions from services purchased to community rewards. LARB will only have a maximum supply of 250,000,000 LARB token with burning mechanism

LARB token will be issued out to the public during our Initial Token Offering which will allow investors, advertisers and community members buy LARB cheaper than the actual market price.

The ITO will have three (3) stages in which bonus will differ from each stage. Users will be able to get full stage bonus if they purchase up to the required amount to unlock full bonus. All stage will have a minimum amount of $5 LARB is a TRC21 token based on TomoZ protocol which allow holders to pay gas fee with the token itself. LARB holders will not need ether or bitcoin to pay for gas fee as they can pay with LARB token itself. inLarb will try as much as possible to reduce gas fee.

inLarb Network is built around the Advertising industry with a global market estimated to be worth USD more than 500 billion, Augmented Reality technology which is projected to reach USD120 billion by 2020 and the huge Event industry which is almost USD 1.1 trillion in value. inLarb will curate interactive immersive events using augmented reality with advertising feature. We are convinced that inLarb will play a significant role in the adoption process of augmented reality and immersive advertising and bring them closer to traditional market.

Token Sale
Ticker: LARB
ICO Token Price: 1 LARB = 0.05 USD
Fundraising Goal: 3 000 000 USD
Available for Token Sale: 90 000 000 LARB
Whitelist: No
Know Your Customer: No
Accepts: BTC, BNB, USDT, ETH

ICO Price: 1 LARB = 0.05 USD
Accepting: BNB, BTC, USDT, ETH, XLM
Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD
Bonuses: First stage Aug 1st - Sep 30th 2020: up to 30%
Second stage October 1st - November 31st 2020: up to 20%
Third stage Dec 1st - Dec 31st 2020: up to 10%

December 2018
Concept Generation & Team Assemble
June 2019
Research & Strategic Planning
September 2019
Assets Procurement
March 2020
Platform design and MVP
June 2020
Website, Smart contract and airdrop
July 2020
Token Sale & Internal Release of Web application
December 2020
Internal Tests: Portal, Reward Mechanism, Indoor & Outdoor Advertising
March 2021
Public Releases: Mobile App, Portal & Indoor Advertising
June 2021
Public Releases: Outdoor Advertising, Reward Mechanism & Events
September 2021
Internal Tests: Analytics, aCommerce Module & Games
November 2021
Public Releases: aCommerce Module & Games
December 2021
More Development: Analytics, Merchant Payment, Dubai Expo & Many More

-Alexis Office
Chief Executive Office of inLarb Network
-Ashish Lijhara
Chief Technical officer of inLarb Network
-Jessica Emiko
Chief Operation Office
-Prashant Desani
Augmented Reality Developer of inLarb Network
-Anton Kutchytskyi
FrontEnd Developer of inLarb Network
-Shubham Pandey
Extended Reality Engineer of inLarb Network
-Sebastian Pereira
Promotion and Content writer of inLarb Network
-Calvin Ebun Anu
Front end Developer of inLarb Network





What's ATTN ?
Founded in 2016, the ATTN alliance is the largest eSports eco-industry alliance in Southeast Asia, with a global game player base of more than 25 million.

The ATTN TOKEN is the solely authentic TOKEN in the ATTN ecosystem designed to address the adverse effects of a centralized platform. Moreover, ATTN will be applied for the exchange of all services and applications across the entire ecosystem.

ATTN Vision
ATTN is committed to building a leading ecosystem of eSports platforms
We hope to break the existing profit distribution model of traditional centralized eSports games based on blockchain technology. Through innovative eSports, token incentive, entertainment experience of games and the participation of tens of millions of users, we build a convenient ATTN platform covering the global game eSports entertainment assets. The original entertainment value created by each user is returned to them. Eventually, ATTN will build the world's most widely used eSports platform valued multi-billion dollar.

ATTN is a digital ecological platform of eSports based on blockchain technology. It has many popular PVP games designed independently. Based on this, it skips the cold start, carries tens of millions of active users and YY voice to the chain.

ATTN Ecology includes eight business sectors, consisting of PVP game platform, guild platform, live broadcast platform, anti-addiction platform, distribution platform, trusted game digital asset trading platform, ATTN Mall, dimension pocket. Players can get excellent game/entertainment experience and ATTN token through PVP game platform, guild platform, live broadcast platform and ATTN Mall. Also they can realize the purchase and sale of game props (assets, IP) and exchange legal currency liquidity through trusted game digital asset trading platform and dimension pocket. Game CP can import user traffic through the standard access interface provided by the distribution platform to provide game services for global players

Advantages of Project Implementation
The real implementation of the blockchain project is the tactical key of the ATTN team in 2020. ATTN has the advantage of barrier level in three dimensions: linking the real economic value with project implementation, promoting the popularity of the project to increase the traffic, and expanding the ecological siphon effect.

EVOS Sport, a new emperor of LOL,
is the ace team of ATTN. Evos sport is a league of legends team launched in May 2017. Since then, the team has recruited some former members of Saigon Jokers, as well as two former members of the MSI from Brazil, Stark (top laner) and Slay (ADC). The Vietnamese team made a splash during the 2018 VCS Spring Split, finishing first with a 12-2 record. Then, in 2019,

ATTN Live Platform
Based on the characteristics of the frequent development of electronic competition, the team preparation before the game, the score in the game and the wonderful operation details, the summary of the team members after the game, the immediacy of information created the superiority of the game live broadcast, compared with other areas live broadcast user proportion is larger, more viscous.

ATTN live broadcast platform is mainly featured by HD, smooth game/event live broadcast, bullet screen, reward, gift package, interaction and other functions. It synchronously connects with the data of various game developers and event organizers to provide comprehensive and accurate information of the event, so that players can master the game schedule at any time and place. At the same time, it is connected to the traditional game live streaming platform such as Twitch, YouTube, Douyu, Huya, Kuaishou and Tiktok. This platform brings the WeChat game traffic to the eSports live broadcast,

producing a good interaction with streamers. Moreover, daily pre-match analysis, competition focus analysis, the strength of each team, predict the direction of the game will be shown one by one. At the same time, the integration of the major electronic games live improves the user experience.

ATTN also positioned the live platform as a connector for eSports ecology, based on its original games and integration of PVP on the market, such as PUBG, League of Legends, Dota, Strike of Kings, Fortnite, Clash Royale, and many other mainstream of game resources with hundreds of millions users. And it has deep cooperation with QGC, TGA and other professional tournaments, providing one stop the next generation of mobile eSports experience for ATTN users.

ATTN anti-addiction platform
Data silos are one of the root causes of the current unfavorable anti-addiction management of games. Although some gaming platforms already have anti-addiction systems in place, user online time between platforms is calculated independently and is not shared. As a direct consequence, teenage users can circumvent the anti-addiction system restrictions by installing a variety of games.
Moreover, it is not known whether the anti-adulteration systems of gaming companies are fully compliant with the norms, which is completely untransparent.

Based on this, in preventing young people from becoming addicted to online games, ATTN has established an anti-depression platform for online games: 1) with the help of blockchain distributed book technology, the user's identification and anti-depression data are recorded on the chain to realize the centralized unification of anti-depression data for all games logged by young people; 2) the matching face recognition function ensures the exact identity of users logging in to prevent borrowing or stealing other people's identities to log in to games.

The ATTN anti-addiction platform with open features allows all gaming companies to record users' online time on the same ledger and count it by day, which allows strict and accurate recording and control of the time youths log in to games. Government regulators and parents have access to data on the relevant chain and can take appropriate regulatory measures.

ATTN Distribution Platform
Aiming at the pain points existing in the current eSports game distribution industry, ATTN USES the decentralized feature of blockchain to build a safe and reliable game distribution mechanism between game players and game CP. Through the guild-based game evaluation system, the right to determine the quality of the game will be depends on the end game players. Through the comprehensive application of big data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI), ATTN will establish a perfect game screening system, which ultimately allows game players to quickly and effectively identify the quality of the game. Also, game CP can distribute games freely, quickly and efficiently

ATTN will provide a complete game distribution solution to many small game CPS through a distribution platform in one of the core business segments. eSports game CP around the world can design and develop a safe, reliable and efficient game value transfer protocol through the ATTN distribution platform, so as to realize a mutually beneficial sharing guild economic ecology between game players and game CP.

At the same time, through the innovative game contribution computing engine and reasonable ATTN token reward mechanism, ATTN builds an ecological environment of ATTN in which guild and guild participants actively participate, and reshapes the profit distribution model of the game distribution industry

Eventually, the ATTN distribution platform will become one of the largest traffic entrances for global game players to enter the ATTN ecosystem.

ATTN Mall is a derivative part of ATTN ecology, creating an online and offline eSports IP business circle, promoting the development of the surrounding pan-entertainment field of the release of high level game IP, film and television and animation, maximizing the value of eSports game IP

In the short term, ATTN Mall will become a high-quality entrance for the whole project to attract eSports traffic, precipitate the eSports IP commodity transaction with high value (rare items of the game, limited line of merchandise, etc.), establish the credibility and brand influence of ATTN tokens. In the long term, it will anchor the real economy of eSports IP peripherals through ATTN tokens, bringing more value into them.

At the same time, ATTN Mall offline business will combine all kinds of forms, including but not limited to offline Live, IP exhibition, Fan exhibition, Coser, voice-over artists/streamer meeting, theme restaurants, etc. ATTN tokens are used as a payment way to open up common online and offline scenes for eSports IP consumers and provide one-stop offline services for more eSports enthusiasts.

ATTN Dimensional Pocket
Dimensional pocket mainly serves ATTN Token holders, supports the recharge of mainstream currencies such as BTC/ETH/USDT, adopts the current safest wallet system of cold receiving and hot sending to ensure the Token security of users, and keeps accounts in a more efficient settlement method, so that users can achieve priority to the account in the transfer process

Dimensional pocket will be closely combined with various business sectors and other scene applications to establish a safe interactive interface and tamp the landing scene.

Protocol Hierarchy
Data format layer
Transaction processing layer
Interchain processing layer
Peer-to-peer network layer (computing)
Internet protocol layer
Consensus Management layer
Block tree management layer

System Components
Pluggable Consensus Model
Shared P2P Network Services
Pluggable Business Logic Capacity
Database Management Component
Blockchain Processing Full Node
Database Operating Components
Database Query Component
Mobile Light Node / Cold Wallet
Mobile Light Node / Hot Wallet
Plug-in Wallet

Allocation Proportion


ATTN Official Resources

Official Resources


Minggu, 05 Juli 2020

British Digital Asset Management

British Digital Asset Management (BDAM)
British Digital Asset Management (BDAM) is a project founded by a team of veterans from the industry of finance & technology. It's backed by industry veterans, leading venture capital firms and incubators. The BDAM team consists of developers, traders, finance experts, business strategists, developers and marketers, who are working tirelessly for over a year, to ensure that a complete ecosystem of decentralized products and services are created and our customers get the maximum gains on their investments.

With exclusively focused on working and investing in blockchain Artificial Intelligence, BigData, and IoT, the BDAM team is striving to combine traditional fintech with modern-age decentralized finance. The founding body has strong relationships with leading venture capitalists, evaluators, and promising entrepreneurs, which would help the BDAM Project grow and gain the required initial funding. With striving to offer the investment body maximum returns by building a diversified portfolio while also helping entrepreneurs and potential startups grow by their desired funds.

With BDAM, our envision to create a modern financial ecosystem that resolves the issues faced
by consumers while making payments through traditional banking channels or using cryptoassets. We strive to develop an exchange that stands out among others by addressing the
challenges faced by centralized and decentralized exchanges, ensuring to provide the
community with what the community wants.

At BDAM-Exchange, our mission is to develop a fully transparent, hybrid digital-asset trading
platform that solves the issues faced by trader while also enabling them to use their digital
assets through a dedicated payment gateway.


BDAM Apps:

Sabtu, 27 Juni 2020

Recycle for Life

Recycle for Life

What is Recycle for life?
Recycle for life (RFL) is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal E-waste Handler. RFL transports all e-waste recycling to an Environmental Protection Agency certified facility.

While existing solutions offer to solve just one problem at a time, our team is up to build a secure, useful, & easy-to-use recycling rewards program based on a tokenized private blockchain.

At the end, Our aims to integrate all companies, employees, and business assets into a unified recycling blockchain ecosystem, which will make recycling truly efficient and fun.

We’ve built a Recycling
Platform that Rewards Users
Earn Recycle for life tokens when you participate in our global recycling program. Simply recycle an acceptable item and upload your receipt of doing.

Recycle for Life is a California Department of Toxic Substance Control Registered Universal
E-waste Handler. RFL is involved in the transportation of all e-waste to environmental protection
Agency certified Facilities. Recycle for Life started operations as a company in January of 2010.
It was created as a nationwide ink and toner cartridge recycling company. Recycle for life has
collected over 500,000 ink and toner cartridges in the first year of its existence. In march 2012,
Recycle for Life transitioned to the business of commercial e-waste logistics as an e-waste handler in Southern California.

Last year, Recycle for Life delivered over 1 million pounds of e-waste picked up from over 8,800
businesses since 2010 and have 3,450 active clients. Keith Harris, the founder of Recycle for Life
has been involved in the recycling and reuse of electronic accessories since 1996. Recycle for Life
wants to leverage on blockchain technology to create a system based on the blockchain network that will reward subscribers to their newsletter and to the Recycling Awareness Association.
These tokens will also be awarded to recycling plants, recycling processors, users with recycling
receipts and users who forward to at least 5 emails to others information regarding our e-waste
recycling services.

Bring your eligible electronic items to your participating local e-waste recycling center. Recycle your goods and you will be provided a receipt. Upload the reciept to us along with your Ethereum address and we will send you the amount of tokens based on the amount of weight you recycled.

Support Local Charity Efforts
Clean up the environment
Earn Badges
Earn Money
Incentivized Recycling

Start Jun 22, 2020 (9:00AM GMT)
Number of tokens for sale 1,000,000,000 RFL (100%)
End Jul 31, 2020 (11:00AM GMT)
Tokens exchange rate 1 RFL = $0.20
Acceptable currencies ETH, BTC, LTC
Minimal transaction amount 0.001 ETH

Distribution of tokens

Use of proceeds

March 2019
Start of the Recycle for life Development.
April 2019
Development of ICO platform
June 2019
Launch of Social Network
August 2019
ICO preparation & Whitepaper
June 2020
Start limited token sale
July 2020
Complete token sale
August 2020
Begin token exchange program
September 2020
Recycling Awareness Association forms
October 2020
Token Exchange listings
November 2020
Create Awareness Rating (AR) make post able to SM
December 2020
Launched of mobile Apps

Keith Harris - CEO
Mel Gonzales - Marketing
Anastasia Reut - Developer
Bogdan Botov - Blockchain Developer

David Moon
Benjamin Föckersperger
Adrian Lam